
Dennis E. Boer, Shanty Sterke, Charlotte B. Schmidt, Thea P.M. Vliet Vlieland,
The perceptions, needs and preferences of informal caregivers of nursing home residents with dementia regarding physical therapy: A qualitative study, Geriatric Nursing, (2022) 44

Shanty Sterke, Ana Paula Nascimento da Cunha, Hanneke Oomen, Lennard Voogt and Marleen Goumans.  Physiotherapy in nursing homes. A qualitative study of physiotherapists’ views and experiences. BMC Geriatrics (2021) 21:150

Panneman MJ, Sterke CS, Eilering MJ, Blatter BM,  Polinder S, Van Beeck EF. Costs and benefits of multifactorial falls prevention in nursing homes in the Netherlands. Experimental Gerontology 2020; 143.

Lennard Voogt, Winifred D. Paulis, Shanty Sterke, Maarten Schmitt. Het effect van actieve fysiotherapie op het dagelijks functioneren en kwaliteit van leven van verpleeghuisbewoners. Systematisch literatuuronderzoek. NTGF 2020 34: 31-44

Lennard Voogt, Shanty Sterke, Winifred Paulis, Maarten Schmitt. De waarde van fysiotherapie binnen de langdurige zorg. Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de ervaringen van fysiotherapeuten. NTGF 2019 33: 40-48

Olij BF, Ophuis RH, Polinder S, van Beeck EF, Burdorf, Panneman MJM, Sterke CS. Economic Evaluations of Falls Prevention Programs for Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Am Geriatr Soc 2018;66:2197-2204

Shanty Sterke, Martien Panneman, Vicki Erasmus, Suzanne Polinder, Ed van Beeck. Kosten van vallen in het verpleeghuis: een Delphi studie. NTGF 2018 32:16-24

Sterke CS, Panneman MJ, Erasmus V, Polinder S, van Beeck EF.  Increased care demand and medical costs after falls in nursing homes: a Delphi study. J Clin Nurs 2018 Apr 21.

Van der Cammen TJM, Sterke CS, Halilovic A, Molenbroek J. Influence of footwear on gait characteristics that are associated with increased fall risk in older persons. The Ergonomics Open Journal 2016;9:43-49

Thaler HW, Sterke CS ex aequo, van der Cammen TJM. Association of proton pump inhibitor use with recurrent falls and risk of fractures in older women: a study of medication use in older fallers. J Nutr Health Aging 2016;20:77-81

Van der Cammen TJM, Sterke CS. Which drugs to stop in which older patients? http://britishgeriatricssociety.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/which-drugs-to-stop-in-which-older-patients/#more-2053

Sterke CS, van der Cammen TJM, Halilovic A, Oei BHY, Molenbroek J. Influence of footwear on fall risk in older persons. In: Advances in Social and organizational Factors. 2014

Sterke CS, van Beeck EF, van der Cammen TJM, Burdorf A. Een bruikbaar en valide meetinstrument om het valrisico op korte termijn te voorspellen bij verpleeghuisbewoners met dementie. Tijdschrift fysiotherapie en ouderenzorg 2013;27:7-17

Van der Cammen TJM, Rajkumar C, Onder G, Sterke CS, Petrovic M. Drug cessation in complex older adults: time for action. Age and Ageing 2013; Nov 12

Sterke CS, van Beeck EF, Looman CWN, Kressig RW, van der Cammen TJM. An electronic walkway can predict short-term fall risk in nursing home residents with dementia. Gait Posture 2012;36:95-101

Sterke CS, Ziere G, van Beeck EF, Looman CWN, van der Cammen TJM. Dose-response relationship between Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and injurious falls: A study in nursing home residents with dementia. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2012;73:812-20

Sterke CS, van Beeck EF, van der Velde N, Ziere G, Petrovic M, Looman CWN, van der Cammen TJM. New insights: Dose-response relationship between psychotropic drugs and falls: A study in nursing home residents with dementia. J Clin Pharmacology 2012;52:947-55

Shanty Sterke.  A study of balance, gait and psychotropic drug use in relation to fall risk in nursing home residents with dementia. Proefschrift. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. 2011

Sterke CS, Huisman SL, van Beeck EF, Looman CWN, van der Cammen TJM. Is the Tinetti Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA) a feasible and valid predictor of short-term fall risk in nursing home residents with dementia? Int Psychogeriatr 2010;22:254-63

Sterke CS, Verhagen AP, van Beeck EF, van der Cammen TJM. The influence of drug use on fall incidents among nursing home residents: a systematic review. Int Psychogeriatr 2008;20:890-910

Sterke CS. Beoordeling van valrisico bij ouderen door fysiotherapeuten. Tijdschrift fysiotherapie en ouderenzorg 2003;18:10-7